Friday 17 February 2012

Music sounds better live! Part II

After The Drowned World Tour, it took Madonna three years to go back on tour. When The Re-Invention Tour was announced in 2004, I was in the exact same situation as before - I still didn't have a credit card and with that, a way of buying tickets. I felt so frustrated when all I could do was watch all the shows sell out one after another, at the same time being unable to get that one ticket for myself. But then, miraculously and long after the tickets had gone out, I noticed that the show at Slane Castle in Ireland on August 29th hadn't sold out yet. In a fit of despair, I managed to convince my mum to let me use her credit card to buy tickets, and suddenly I found myself booked to go to Dublin for a week with my partner at the time. I was so, so excited, once again! Dublin had been on my list of places I wanted to go to for a long time so now I got to go there and see Madonna - a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

The concert was at Slane Castle, meaning you had to take a bus there from Dublin. They had organised buses to take you to and from the show, which was highly appreciated as how else would you have managed to take yourself to the middle of nowhere where the castle is situated? I remember feeling all weird on the bus when it became clear that the show would take place in the countryside - Madonna, somewhere, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by sheep? A surreal idea!

We still had to walk a long way to the castle from where the buses dropped us off, and it was just lovely. We were there before the gates were opened, and when they were, everyone just rushed into the forest :D! Amazing, I loved it! It was raining while we were queueing and I was wondering how Madonna would be feeling about it - I know she's always panicking about it raining during her show and the stage being too slippery and thus unsafe for performing on. Later on when I watched I'm Going To Tell You A Secret, I found out that's exactly what she had been worried about. Luckily the rain stopped and the show went on - Madonna was very late but maybe it's understandable because of the weather. Anyway, we had general standing tickets and were quite close to the stage - not close enough to see Madonna's face properly apart from once during the show, but it was still the closest I'd got to the stage until then and I was excited. Oh, and Slane Castle was the perfect place for a big show like that - you have the stage, and then a beautiful castle up on a hill right behind you, moonlight and dozens of thousands of people camping out, all excited for Madonna. Precious!

This is another experience I don't remember that much of. I didn't have a camera with me as back then, I was still worried about security taking it away and always decided to play it safe by leaving it at the hostel. The show is a blur. I remember The Beast Within kicking the show off and going all kinds of crazy because it was so beautiful, and I was SO looking forward to Madonna making her entrance...and then Vogue, with amazing yoga-style choreography, Madonna looking absolutely stunning and her outfit being gorgeous...Burning Up was too good to be true! Usually, I hate it when Madonna tries to play the guitar as to me, she's a dancer and has to stay that way, but Burning Up was perfect for her guitar experiments! There's hardly any video material to be found of the Slane Castle show, but since it has to be posted in one form or another, here, have the Lisbon version...

The slow, jazzy version of Deeper And Deeper really impressed me, and so did Lament off Evita - Madonna's voice sounded just SO good, I was completely in awe! She usually doesn't sound too good live, which is why I don't mind her lip-synching to new studio recordings of the songs, but Lament, just WOW! But, my favourites were definitely Nothing Fails and Mother And Father. Just amazingly beautiful and went straight to my heart. During Nothing Fails it was raining again and a crew member had to hold a big, black umbrella up for Madonna...And then during Crazy For You, she thanked her fans for sticking with her through thick and thin...aaaaaaaaah, what a beautiful night!

A few videos: Papa Don't Preach because it's the only full video I found from Slane, and Mother and Father because it's one of my all-time favourite Madonna performances, even if this version is from Lisbon as well.

"I made a vow that I would never need another person ever, turned my heart into a cage, a victim of a kind of rage" <3

After the show, the dozens of thousands of people all left the castle at the same time. Now THAT was a hassle, I'm telling you! The walk back to the buses was LONG and we had to walk in complete darkness on muddy roads as it had been raining so much during the day and the show. I couldn't see a thing and I kept sinking into the mud :D. It took probably almost an hour till we were at the buses again and taken back to Dublin. When we got back to the hostel, we had to wash our shoes as they looked like clay sculptures by this point :D. It was all SO worth it, though :D!

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