Thursday, 14 June 2012

The MDNA Tour 2012

The countdown to my first show on this tour has started! I'm off to New York on Sunday and when I get back, I'll see Madonna in just 4 days! EEEEEEEEEE! I've been insanely stressed out about the system they're using, i.e. the Golden Triangle. Basically, for Madonna shows, there's always a Golden Circle, which is the section right in front of the main stage. The tickets are expensive (around 120€ apiece) but by queueing for the day, you've always had the chance of making it to a really great spot. This time, however, in addition to the Golden Circle, they have the Triangle, which is the very front section between the triangle-shaped catwalk and the main stage, and for which you couldn't buy tickets at any point. Instead, anyone holding a standing ticket, whether it's general admission or GC, will get to a) take part in ICON's (the fan club) contest to win a pair of GT tickets, b) press a crew member's iPad while queueing to see if they've won an upgrade into the Triangle, or c) suck up to Guy Oseary, Madonna's manager, which I refuse to do because doing stuff like that is not in my nature. I think this system is ridiculous and unfair. I know for a fact that Guy Oseary is into people who look different or do something crazy in order to get what they want. I'm not like that - I'm a hardcore Madonna fan but it's a feeling inside me and I don't need to look strange or have Madonna pictures tattooed all over my body to express that. Anyway, this has been stressing me out for the past couple of weeks, but I guess at the end of the day all I can do is cross my fingers for luck and see what will happen. I never usually have any luck when it comes to these things but we'll see.

So anyway, this is my Madonna itinerary for the summer:

July 2nd, Copenhagen, Denmark. GC with Carola from Sweden.
July 4th, Gothenburg, Sweden. GC with Carola and Gabriel from Sweden.
July 12th, Brussels, Belgium. GC with my friend Tiina and Bea and Franc from Spain.
August 12th, Helsinki, Finland. GC with a bunch of Madonna fans from Finland.

And finally, another YouTube clip of me singing a Madonna song. This one is called Falling Free  and it's one of the most beautiful songs off the new album. Sorry about never including my face in these but I just really, really, REALLY don't like being filmed, at all.

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